GTM for WooCommerce Plugin Reference

Events Reference


These are all supported events that are being tracked by the WooCommerce plugin for classic Google Tag Manager web container from the browser. Please note that some events may not be tracked correctly in all scenarios depending on your theme configuration.

event name description properties supported plugins
language When a user visits site. – language (iso code) WPML, Polylang
change_language When a user switches from one language to another.

– previous (language iso code)

– current (language iso code)

WPML, Polylang
change_currency When a user switches from one currency to another.

– previous (currency iso code)

– current (currency iso code)

WooCommerce Multilingual
view_item_list When list of products is viewed by user. It can be category product listing or related products on single product page.

– value

– items

WooCommerce Wishlists, WPC Smart Wishlist
select_item When a product is selected (clicked) in a products list.

– value

– items

view_item When a single product page and details are viewed.

– value

– items

WooCommerce Quick View
add_to_wishlist When a product is added to a wish list.

– value

– items

WooCommerce Wishlists, WPC Smart Wishlist
remove_from_wishlist When a product is removed from a wish list.

– value

– items

WooCommerce Wishlists, WPC Smart Wishlist
add_to_cart When a product is added to a cart. Can happen on a list or single product page.

– value

– items

WooCommerce Quick View, WooCommerce Wishlists, WPC Smart Wishlist
remove_from_cart When a product is removed from a cart on a cart page.

– value

– items

view_cart When cart is viewed.

– values

– items

abandon_cart (experimental) When the cart is abandoned – user closes browser or tab while on cart page.

– value

– items

being_checkout When first checkout page is visited.

– value

– items

abandon_checkout (experimental) When the checkout is abandoned – user closes browser or tab while on checkout page.

– value

– items

add_billing_info When billing information is added during checkout.

– value

– items

– email

– phone_number

– address

add_payment_info When payment information is added during checkout.

– value

– items

– payment_type

add_shipping_info When shipping information is added during checkout.

– value

– items

– shipping_tier

purchase When an order confirmation page with transaction details is visited

– value

– transaction

– items


These are all properties that are supported by the plugin and tracked for the events documented above.


property name description supported plugins
item_name Product name
item_id Product id (WooCommerce internal id, can be changed to SKU – learn more here)
price Product price (one item)
quantity Quantity of products (applicable to cart, checkout and purchase related events)
item_coupon The coupon applied to the product (if any)
item_variant The specific variant of the product (e.g., size, color)
item_brand The brand of the product (if set). WooCommerce Brands, Yith Brands, Yith Brands Premium
item_list_name The name of the list or category where the item is displayed
item_list_id The ID of the list or category where the item is displayed
index The position of the item in a list or category (e.g., the order in which it appears in a product list)


property name description
transaction_id Unique transaction id assigned by WooCommerce
affiliation WooCommerce shop name
value Total transaction value including tax and shipping (applicable for purchase  event only)
tax Amount of tax for the transaction if any.
shipping Amount paid for shipping service.
currency Currency of the transaction.
coupon Promotional coupon code if used.


property name description
value Total value of all items considered for given eCommerce event (all events with items  array except purchase  where value is computed differently – see above).

Available GTM Presets

  • Google Analytics 4

  • Google Analytics 4 Server-Side

  • Meta/Facebook Pixel

  • Facebook Conversions API

  • Google Ads Enhanced Conversion

  • Google Ads Enhanced Conversion Server-Side

  • Google Ads Dynamic Remarketing

  • Microsoft UET

  • TikTok

  • Pinterest

  • Consent Mode

  • Google Tag to Server

  • GTM Web Container Server-Side

GTM Presets Reference

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