How to install and activate the WooCommerce plugin?

End-to-end guide ensuring WooCommerce plugin is installed and active.

1. Install & activate the plugin

This step depends on the version of the WooCommerce plugin that you want to use.

a) Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce PRO

The PRO version is available in WooCommerce Marketplace and once purchased it will be made available as a ZIP file.

After you download the latest purchased version, head to WordPress WP Admin, navigate to Plugins > Add New . Click Upload Plugin and select the ZIP file.

b) GTM for WooCommerce FREE

The FREE version is available in the public WordPress plugins repository.

Head to WordPress WP Admin and navigate to Plugins > Add New . Search for Google Tag Manager for WooCommerce and click Install Now . Then click Activate .

2. Install Google Tag Manager

Now it's time to embed the main Google Tag Manager snippet to your WooCommerce shop. If you haven't done it before using another plugin or directly in the theme code you can navigate to Settings > Google Tag Manager and fill in two text areas at the top of the settings. The snippets to paste in those fields can be found in Admin panel in Google Tag Manager. In order to obtain them, go to Container > Install Google Tag Manager .

This will show you two fields to copy code from and paste in respective fields in WordPress Dashboard.

Once pasted scroll down and hit Save Settings .

3. You are ready to integrate!

After the GTM snippets are saved, the plugin will start pushing events to DataLayer and Google Tag Manager.

Now it's time to configure Google Tag Manager to forward this data to selected tools.

We know this may be cumbersome activity to create all GTM Tags, Triggers and Variables one by one manually, that's why our plugins and platform comes with handy presets that are easy to import in few simple steps to any GTM container.

How to import any GTM preset?

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